Link to theRMS Calendar here.
9/1 - District Holiday; All Buildings Closed
9/3 - First Student Day (K-12)
9/3 - RMS 6th Grade Orientation
9/5 - RMS Picture Day
9/5 - RMS WEB Social, 2 - 4:30 p.m.
9/19 - RMS Back to School Night/Open House, 6 - 8:30 p.m.
RMS PTO Fundraiser at Vic & Dean's
9/20 - RMS PTO Coffee with the Principal, 9 am, RMS
9/21 - RTSD Multilingual Community Resource Fair, 9 - 11 a.m., Radnor Elementary School
9/27 - 2-Hour Early Dismissal K-12; Teacher In-Service
9/29 - RMS World Cube Association, RMS gym
10/3 - No School K-12; Offices Open
**See the full year RTSD District Instructional Calendar HERE